Working With Mary Magdalene
My journey begins....
8/13/20243 min read
For quite some time, I have been curious about what it would be like to work with a deity. But, due to decades of religious indoctrination, I was scared to even attempt to do such a thing. I mean, seriously, who wants to be opening a doorway to hell, amiright? But as the years have gone by, the feeling of being called to do this type of work has only gotten stronger.
And then I recently stumbled across a woman named Ruby Magdalene on TikTok (Ruby Wolf on YouTube). She is a priestess of Mary Magdalene and the more I watched her videos (hours and hours!), the more I felt drawn to work with Mary Magdalene myself. And as I learned more about what it means to work with a deity, I was less and less fearful. (Knowledge is power!) Mary Magdalene is known in the spiritual community to help women work on healing and empowering themselves while still being soft and feminine. That is EXACTLY what I am looking for right now!
I prayed to Mary Magdalene the other evening and said that if she would be willing to work with me, to please give me a sign....specifically pink roses. I was disappointed when I woke up the next morning and realized that I had had no visits from Mary in my dreams. But, as I drove my son to work later that morning, I noticed some pink flowers blooming that I had never noticed before....and guess what they looked like to me and my daughter? Pink Mary Magdalene roses! So I took that as a definite green light that she wanted to work with me, too!
Here is a very loose idea of what my plan is & what I have prayed to Mary Magdalene about (because she needs to be in the loop, too):
I am committed to working with her until September's full moon. That will be almost 40 days. As of right now I have no real request from her except to please help me heal some issues I am working on inside of myself (codependency, for example). I don't want to be magic finger snap healed immediately. I am expecting to do the work because I believe that's part of my journey. But I would like her to gently lead me through what I need to do and assist me, should I need help. But even if she doesn't, that will be okay. I feel this is going to be an enlightening experience, nonetheless.
Each day I will give her some type of offering: a prayer, a smoke offering (I've been burning honey rose incense)....those are what I have been doing so far. But I will be researching what other types of offerings she likes.
I will also be just conversating with her throughout the day, just like I do with Father God and Mother Goddess. I feel that's how you grow a close relationship with them.
I will also be doing a daily oracle card pull to get more tangible messages for myself from her. I will be using a deck that I already own and I feel like The Rose Oracle will be perfect, since roses are associated with her.
I also, over the days leading up to September's full moon, am planning on reading books about Mary Magdalene...especially talking about her relationship with Jesus Christ (I am one of those who believe that they were married and quite possibly had children together), her time as his favorite disciple and her time after his death and resurrection. I am also curious to learn more about the rumors that she was also a Priestess for Isis.... I've also discovered some documentaries about her that I would like to watch as well.
So...yep...that's my plan so far. I imagine it will grow and evolve as the days go by. And I'm hoping to keep you all updated about my journey with Mary Magdalene. xoxo
Oh! I was praying to her about how I wanted to call my ex....just to hear his voice. I miss him. As soon as I finished praying, I went onto Facebook. And this is the very first thing I saw. I took it as a message from her (I love it! She and I are going to get along GREAT!) :